Meet Our Team: Nicole McLeod

As QC Ally’s Business Development Coordinator, Nicole McLeod assists the Business Development team in their efforts to secure new business while also maintaining strong client relationships through excellent client care. As the bridge between Business Development and Operations, Nicole ensures a seamless and efficient ecosystem every step of the way.

With over a decade of experience in financial services, Nicole’s background sits squarely in business development at compliance firm Baker Tilly US (and The Compliance Group prior to its acquisition by Baker Tilly), allowing her to excel at her role here at QC Ally.

Q: What is one of your biggest accomplishments? 

Climbing Devil’s Tower, which is in Wyoming. It is 867 feet tall and has columns that run the entire length. For the more ‘seasoned’ people reading this, think, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Richard Dreyfuss, and mashed potatoes. It is a multi-pitch climb with very few anchors, so we had to use spring loaded camming devices, which secure ropes in place. With every “cam” I reached, I had to remove it and put it on my harness, so as I ascended, I became heavier and heavier. That day, I used some very unorthodox moves and was stuck in one spot for over a half an hour before I was able to move on. Unlike baseball, there IS crying in this sport. Getting to the top only meant I had to repel down, which one must do in segments. This was the most unnerving part. All in all, it took several hours, and longer than it should have, but I did it with one of my dearest friends, who led our climb.  

Q: What smell triggers nostalgia for you?

Fresh cut grass. My father was a golf pro, as my brother is now. We grew up helping my dad at the course, which meant we had to pick the range, wash carts, clean bathrooms, and whatever else needed to be done. During junior golf season, my dad would shuttle us to tournaments in various towns in New Mexico. My sister and I were in the 12 and under group, and I recall losing a lot of golf clubs and begging for cart rides because it was “too hot”. All l can think of now is how we must’ve embarrassed him. Thank goodness my little brother came along, and he became the next golfer in the family. My sister and I were able to retire.  

Q: If you had a magic button on your desk to bring you whatever you wanted, what would you ask for?

More clients, of course! Besides that, it would be a walking pad/treadmill because it’s hard for me to sit still for so long. I hope Santa is reading this.  

Q: What’s your favorite thing about your job? 

This one is easy. It’s the people — clients and staff alike. We have pages of referrals, and client calls leave us feeling extremely proud of our staff. Everyone is incredibly kind, knowledgeable, and eager to help. I have so much respect for everyone I work with, and I appreciate their support so much. We are the definition of a true team. 

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